सबै श्रेणियाँ

कुना स्नान

Corner Baths are unique type of bath tub that helps save the space to your bathroom. If your bathroom is little yet you desire to have a bath tub, the बाथरूम शौचालय is ideal for you. But it affords you a bath time experience without devoting too much space to it. Thanks to it, you will thus take good advantage of the place in your bathroom, and if it is a small room then the better.

एक उत्तम भित्तामा जोडिएको शौचालय is a distinctive bathtub that is specifically meant to fit nicely in the area of your rest room. This unique design leads to setting up of much minimal space compared to a typical rectangular tub. If you have a small bathroom, installing a corner bathtub is great for freeing up space for something else — storage or decorations. You may love the idea of having a corner bath but whether or not it's suitable, you'll find sizes perfect for your space.

Luxurious Features of a Corner Bath

जबकि बाथरूमको लागि शौचालयs offer the space-saving capabilities of other models, they are anything but lacking in style or features. A number of सुनौलो शौचालयs will have a seat integrated. You can thus conveniently sit back and enjoy a long relaxing warm bath. A version of corner baths also has those jets putting out the water and swirling around too. A few jets can create a nice spa like setting perfect for relaxation at the end of the day. Furthermore, there are corner baths made of quality materials that can transform the look of your bathroom.

Why choose MUBI corner bath?

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