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Сви желе да купе добар умиваоник, али са толико стилова, како изабрати? Србија

25.2024. децембра

Предности: променљиви стилови, једноставна монтажа, лака замена умиваоника и водоводних цеви

Недостаци: Свакодневно чишћење и брисање су проблематичнији

1.The above-counter basin, where the basin is placed directly on the countertop, is a style that has only appeared in the past ten years, but it has become one of the most common designs. The reason is that it is beautiful, but it will be a little troublesome to clean and wipe.

Pay attention to using the above-counter basin, the bathroom cabinet should be made shorter, and the faucet should use a taller style to be convenient to use.

Сви желе да купе добар умиваоник, али са толико стилова, како изабрати?

2.Cabinet basin

Advantages: save the cost of countertop stone, save space, easy to install, no dead corners for cleaning

Disadvantages: The size of the toilet cabinet will be limited by the basin, and there is less storage space on the countertop

The "integrated washbasin" covers the top of the entire toilet cabinet, so the toilet cabinet does not need countertop stones, which helps save space and money. Some integrated washbasins are sold together with the toilet cabinet, which is the most convenient to install.

Сви желе да купе добар умиваоник, али са толико стилова, како изабрати?

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