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Do you know how to choose a mirror for your bathroom?


1.Choose waterproof and rust proof function
Due to the high water consumption of water in the bathroom, the air in this area is relatively humid, and there are many water droplets on the walls and floors. If you purchase a regular mirror, and leave it in a damp place like the bathroom for a long time, it will become dull and even rust and peel off. So we need to pay attention to the waterproof and rust proof function of the mirror when purchasing. When making a purchase, we can closely observe whether the portrait in the mirror is floating or not, and move our gaze up and down or left and right to see if the object is bent or deformed. If there is floating or bending, it indicates poor quality.
2.Select anti fog function
After washing our heads or taking a shower, there will be a lot of mist on the mirror, which will directly cause the surface of the mirror to become blurry and inconvenient for us to use. When purchasing a bathroom mirror, you can check if it has anti fog function. Pay attention to look at the back of the mirror and try to be as flat as possible. The more flat it is, the better its quality.
3.Select storage function
There are many types and shapes of bathroom mirrors nowadays. In addition to being used as mirrors, mirror cabinets can also bear some storage functions and have a certain degree of aesthetics. A bathroom mirror with storage function can not only make up for the lack of bathroom space, but also play a role in storing items. The price of a general mirror cabinet is higher than that of a bathroom mirror, and you can choose according to your actual need.

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