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What makes a smart toilet better than a regular toilet?


Smart toilets have the following five advantages over ordinary toilets:
(1)Easy to use: smart toilet has a lot of functions. And the most basic function is automatic flushing and heating, these are very practical functions.
(2)The mode of automatic openning seat is more suitable for home use: ordinary toilet seat cover needs to be manually opened or covered. The smart toilet is basically now to use Automatic induction openning mode. This means that when we walk next to the toilet, its seat will open automatically instead of having to open it manually.
(3) More clean: many brands of smart toilets have three antibacterial protection functions. That is, we are common silver ion antibacterial ring, ultraviolet sterilization, electrolytic water sterilization. In this way, we can guarantee our use from three aspects, it brings us more protection, and can effectively prevent the damage of E. coli and other viruses.
(4)more saving water: Ordinary toilet, each consumption of water basically reached 6 liters, but also waste a certain amount of paper towels. The smart toilet requires less than 6L of water per flush, and uses its female cleaning and drying instead of paper for cleaning. So from an environmental point of view, it’s more water saving, and it saves paper.
(5)More comfortable: in winter, It is very cold to sit on the toilet seat of the ordinary toilet. Most of smart toilets are heating for use, and they are come with a comfortable seat. It can be adjustable for a comfortable temperature.

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